541 Washington Avenue • Kenilworth, New Jersey 07033

PHONE: (908) 272-4444 -:- FAX: (908) 272-4424


Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm | Sunday 9:00 am - 10:30 am - 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Daily Services: 7:00 am - 9:00 am | Saturday 9:00 am ONLY | Monday 6:30 pm

Italian Memorial Mass, First Friday - 6:30 pm

Divine Mercy First Sunday of the Month after 12:00 pm Mass

Holy Days of Obligation Schedules will Appear Separate

Readings Archdiocese of Newark  Calendar Bulletin Daily Readings and Agenda

The Church of Saint Theresa

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Host:     Claudio Martínez  * Galíndez Family

Wine:     Claudio Martínez * Galíndez Family  

Sanctuary Lamp: Claudio Martínez  * Galíndez Family

Friday, March 21st

7:00 AM  Francesco Aiello  † Condo Family

9:00 AM  John Murray (Anni)  † Ron & Jane Salerno

6:00 PM  Via Crucis:  Stations of the Cross

6:30 PM  Mercedes Samaniego † Manuel Family  


Saturday, March 22nd   

9:00 AM  Francesco Aiello (B-Day) † Rosa & Anthony Calello

5:30 PM  James Zoeller, Sr.  † Connie Conrad

Sunday ,March 23rd - Third Sunday Lent

  9:00 AM  People of the Parish

10:30 AM  Marie Styler  † Maria Grande

12:00 PM  Bill & Frieda Geise † Karla Swan

  5:00 PM  Irene Soo † Theresa Ignacio

Monday, March 24th   

7:00 AM  Alessandro Pugliese (Anni)  † Anna Buttiglione

9:00 AM  Rosa Pugliese  †  Maria Pugliese

« Eucharistic Adoration» 12:30 – 6:15 PM – In the Chapel

6:30 PM  Patricia Petrowski  † James & Jill Cherrey

Tuesday,  March 25th    

7:00 AM  Joseph P. Leary (49th Anni)  †  Pat Leary

9:00 AM  Antonio Fiamingo  † Maria Pugliese

Wednesday, March 26th   

7:00 AM  Genaro Senatore  † Estate

9:00 AM  Elisabetta Cuppary (2nd Anni)  † Anna Esposito

Thursday, March 27th    

7:00 AM  Fr. Joseph Coda  † Mil Love

9:00 AM  Alessandro Pugliese  †  Maria Pugliese

Friday,  March 28th

7:00 AM  In Honor of St. Joseph  † Klemm Family

9:00 AM  Pasquale Cuppari † Cuppari Family

6:00 PM  Via Crucis:  Stations of the Cross

6:30 PM  Luigi Arena † DiCarlo Family  


Saturday, March 29th   

9:00 AM Elionora Pugliese  † Maria Pugliese

5:30 PM Ben Grillo (1st Anni)  † Michele & Antonio Scala

Sunday, March 30th   

  9:00 AM   Anna Josephine Falcone † Falcone Family

10:30 AM   People of the Parish

12:00 PM   Bill & Frieda Geise † Karla Swan

  5:00 PM   Frank Luigi Arena (1st Anni) † Ivana Giona






First Reading: Exodus 3:1-8a, 13-15— Moses came upon a burning bush, when God called out to him. God told Moses that he had seen the suffering of his people in Egypt, and intended to lead them from their captors to a land of milk and honey. Moses asked what he should say if the Israelites should ask what God wished to be called. God replied, "I am who am."

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:1-6, 10-12  - Paul describes how the people were led into the desert by Moses, yet many of them were struck down by God. He warns that this should serve as an example not to give in to wicked desires or we may suffer the same downfall..

Gospel: Luke 13:1-9— Jesus says that an individual's misfortune does not mean that their sins were greater than someone else's. He warns that without repenting, all sinners will meet the same end. He tells of a barren fig tree whose owner planned to cut it down. But a servant offered to give it special care for one year, and destroy it should it remain barren. This symbolizes God's patience toward us.

Weekend of March 16, 2025

Regular Offering

$  5,050

On-Line Offering

$  2,152


$  7,202

Ash Wednesday

$    951

To remain viable our Parish needs
$8,000 in Weekly Contributions


Black & Indian Missions/ Catholic Relief


Dear St. Theresa Parish and Community,

As we are in the first weeks of Lent, I hope you all use this time to bring yourselves closer to God throughout these forty days just like Christ did during his trails in the desert.  

The Knights of Columbus is having a Casino Night at our Kenilworth council on Friday April 25th between 7-11 P.M.  We will have games and a tricky tray at the end of the night and the money made will go to charities the Knights of Columbus give daily donations to.  More details are on the weekly bulletin and if you have any question contact the fellow knights Kevin Murphy at 908-377-5727 or Paul Pimentel at 917-588-2281.

For those of you who are interested in learning about the Knights, contact me at chrislaurie1221@gmail.com and John Kreinberg, our membership director at johnkreinberg@gmail.com.  For more details about our Rev. Sylvester P. McVeigh Council 4186 please visit us at www.KofC4186.org 



Chris Laurie, Grand Knight 
enilworth Knights of Columbus  
Rev. Sylvester P McVeigh Council #4186